Friday, July 29, 2011

The times they are a changin

There have been some interesting things happening in my life these past couple of days. I can honestly say that I have not felt this good in a long time. The strangest thing about it, I never expected it to happen. It's times like these I am more than positive that there is a God looking out for me. Now I know what some people will say: "Its just a coincidence, there's no proof, how can you prove it." and blah blah blah. Great thing about me is I don't care. They can believe what they want, and I will continue to believe.

There have been many outlets that make me feel better. The biggest for me is definitely music. From any given moment I can be singing along to country, to rockin out to the new August Burns Red album, and anywhere in between. No matter what my mood, there is always a song that can make my day better. Two nights ago I had a song come on that really spoke to me, ironically right before I think everything changed for me. The song was Ghost of Days Gone By, and it spoke alot to me. After buying it and listening to it, I was excited to get it on my phone and listen to it in my car........BUT my phone decided it doesn't want to sync to my computer....AWESOME

but anyway the chorus is : Do you you feel the same
For what was remained
Yesterday is gone, we can't go back again
Do you know ever cry for the Ghost of Days Gone By

If your like me, then you probably have a picture, or scene in your head, and trust me the music paints an even better image. Anyway back to real life.

Its very interesting to see how my friends live are all progressing, and I feel like slowly but surely mine is beginning to move along too. One of my friends (James) just bought a house, One( Matt here is the reference you requested) is in Grad school, getting married, and about to get a job with KSU. Im tired of parenthesies so I'm just using names now. Kayla and Brandon seem to be the next happy couple I know moving down a very serious road, and many others are all starting their careers and getting great full time jobs.

All I can hope is that the things I dream will come true. Yes I have big dreams, and maybe some are to big, but if I am for the sun and fail, atleast I'll land among the stars. There's nothing that will stop my dreams from coming true. I guess I just look on the bright side, but life is to short not to. Everyday is a gift, that's why its called the present. Im trying never to forget that, and everyone should do the same

Monday, July 25, 2011

when the going gets tough, the tough go running

These two days have been....interesting to say the least. I have been trying to be positive, and I think Im doing a little better. Ever since the start of college I always looked forward to graduation, and starting a real job. Now that I'm here I wish I was back in school. The job market is awful, and it is impossible to even get an interview. I can honestly say that in the past two months, I have sent out probably 1,000 applications and made hundreds of calls. Using what connections I have not been successful either. People seem willing to help, yet in the end, no one can help.

On the bright side, however, I have finally been able to get back to the gym. Not having money to pay my KSU Alumni fees has kept me from being able to go to the gym. Today Matt and I were able to get back, and man was it needed. There is alot I have missed from lifting weights, cause running and push ups just don't do enough.
After just a few workouts, I already felt so much better. Just putting on some music, lifting some weight, and blocking the world out makes you feel great. Now a couple hours later, was not the greatest feeling. Being sore is really nice though, especially when you can walk outside and jump in the pool.

Another trying situation is the new roommates who are moving in..... It would seem like common sense to turn off lights, shut doors, and common things like that. These guys just dont seem to get the concept. They dont. It does not seem hard to shut off a light, so I just dont get it. If things dont get better and they don't follow simple rules, I will without hesitation move out. I had to deal with BS last year and I refuse to do it again.

I have a lot of things to look forward to this week, hopefully the right things will fall into place. I have new friends I hope to see very soon, and old friendships rekindling. I can only pray that the right things happen at the right time. So far it seems like they have. Just need to wait for the right person and right situation to turn everything around. Truth be told, it will be a long time coming.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Well I guess this is growing up

It has been two months and thirteen days since my graduation from Kennesaw State University, and my life has not gone in the direction I thought that it would. It seems impossible to get a job, I have lost contact with most of my circle of friends, and have had many problems with the US Army. Even through all this personal drama I have managed to stay positive, because if there is one thing that I have learned it is always darkest right before the dawn.

All around me I see good things beginning. New friendships are forming, new roommates have moved in, and new thoughts on love have been instilled in my beliefs. The little things in life have become so much more important to me. A smile from a friend, an empty back road, a movie and beer, a late night run through the streets. All these simple, almost seemingly insignificant events are the ones that get me through the day.

Through this all I know I am stronger than the day before, and I could not be happier. Yes my life is not where I had thought that it would be, but I have cherished every moment of it. I would not change it for anything. This blog will be following what happens to me physically and mentally over the next few months. I am certain that I will have high days and low days, but looking back will only make me stronger. So take a seat, and enjoy as we go along this roller coaster called my life. It should be a great ride.